Chapter One
Is The History Of Mankind And Thus The History Of Your Origin, As Described In Various Scientific And Religious Books, A Correct One ?
Are You Really Who They Say You Are ?
What Is The True Reality About All Of This ?
“Once you succeed in your efforts to get in touch with your innermost Self, your Inner Mind, and the Most High in your Inner Mind, the first lesson that you will be taught is as follows:
Everything that you have ever learned about yourself, about your life and life in general, about the origin of mankind and everything else, is either a gross distortion of how it all really began, happened and is now unfolding or it is totally wrong. You have it all upside-down. You live in an upside-down world and need to learn or relearn everything anew.
Thus the first step that you need to take is to carefully and thoroughly free yourself from all opinions, views, attitudes and belief systems held on these issues up to this point in your life. You cannot succeed in opening up the true knowledge of yourself and your life if you try to open the door to yourself from the position which you have been holding up until this time. If you use the old key to this door, represented by the belief systems, that you have been deriving from throughout your life, you will fail miserably. You can, in fact, become more ignorant and confused about yourself and everything else than ever before.
The second important lesson that you learn from your true self, situated within your true Inner Mind, is that in order to discover the truth about yourself, about who you are, and why you are here and concerning all matters related to this issue, you need to be willing to give up everything that you now believe to be true. This includes all of your currently held religious, scientific, philosophical, psychological or other beliefs.
As you have noticed, emphasis is placed upon your willingness (from your own free will) to give up old belief systems. It does not say that you must completely give them up, but rather that you show a willingness to give them up, so that you may acquire knowledge of the true reality of yourself and your life. Willingness is the new key which will unlock the real door to a vast treasury of true knowledge and wisdom revealing who you are and why you are here. If you are not willing to do so, this door can never be opened.
Why is it necessary to be willing to give up what you believe to be true? The simple reason is that, if you approach yourself with false ideas about yourself, or at least with a possibility that your understanding of these matters could be false, you will not be able to objectively see yourself in the way you really are. Instead, you will be biased and look upon yourself through the eyes of your own particular belief systems. This, in turn, will lead you to accept only those things about yourself and others, which are agreeable with your own belief system. This is a biased approach and at the same time a self-fulfilling prophecy type of approach. This approach finds only those things which your belief system expects or permits, but it does not come from your true self. This is what rigid belief systems do to people. Therefore it is important that you keep your mind and heart open and be willing to admit that the knowledge you have about all matters of life, yourself and others may be distorted or entirely false.
There are two belief systems about the origin of the Universe and life on this planet, including your own origin. They are the scientific and the religious.
The scientific approach teaches us that life occurred by mere chance. It contends that life is a combination of some kind of chemical formulas such as, for example, a carbon-oxygen-protein combination. Life presumably developed by itself, in and of itself, in an evolutionary manner, without any creative source or originator of life. Simply stated, life is supposed to have started on this planet by sheer accident, without any advance planning or thought out process whatsoever. Life then, supposedly started from a simple unintelligent amoebic protein cell. Over many millions or billions of years, by the process of evolution, these primitive cells presumably developed into intelligent forms of life which eventually culminated in human beings as we know them today.
This so-called scientific approach fails to explain properly how it is possible for something to evolve from nothing. That is to say, how it is possible that from anything dead, non-living, such as inanimate matter, for example, something as highly evolved, living, complex and self-aware as human beings can evolve. How can life originate from non-life? ,
For this reason, we must discard scientific explanations for the origin of life and of your true self as misleading. The problem with scientific explanations is that they only consider the outward, physical, bodily form of life. This consideration presumes that the body in itself and by itself, originates life in the body. A good example of this misleading approach would be like trying to explain the function of your body from the clothing you wear. An even better example of this approach is if you were to state that your body developed from the outer garments. This is a very good example of what the upside-down position (one in which we all live) is all about. Unfortunately, this is how modern science tends to explain the origin of all life. The misleading nature of scientific explanations, as seen from the above examples, is obvious without further comment.
The second approach that many people adopt in this respect is the so-called Biblical or religious approach. Religious approach claims that life was created from one Absolute Source of life - God, who is uncreated and who is life, in Himself and by Himself. This view contends that God created the entire Creation and human beings, either from out of nothing or "by the words of His mouth." The process of this supposed creation is described in the first chapter of Genesis, the first book of the Holy Bible. Creation supposedly occurred several thousand years ago and was accomplished by God literally in six earthly days, as measured by physical units of time on planet Earth. Simple as that. No evolution, no evolvement, no nothing.
This explanation contains some grains of truth, reflected in the statement that God is Absolute Source of life, He/She, Who is uncreated and Who is life Himself/Herself and by Himself/ Herself. The problem with this explanation, however, is that it fails to explain why the Creator would create such imperfect creatures as human beings are, with nothing but troubles and problems, and why God, who is the Most High, would want to create alI of the abominal, dangerous, harmful, deadly and poisonous creatures which we encounter everyday on this planet?
This approach also fails to explain obvious discrepancies that exist between one's understanding of the literal, Biblical description of the process of creation in six earthly days, several thousand years ago, and convincing scientific proof that human life has been in existence on this planet for several million years.
Therefore, this approach has to be rejected as misleading, despite the fact that it agrees with our statement that non-life cannot originate any life, and that life must originate from some kind of uncreated source of life. This uncreated Source of life is always without beginning and end. It creates for various reasons, all other forms of life by its own will and desire.
Once again, however, this approach fails to properly explain why this Source (which people call God, and which we shall call the Most High) decides to produce other forms of life? What is the purpose of such a production?
This approach also violates the principle that God can create things and beings from either nothing, or "by the words of His mouth." Once again, from nothing nothing can originate. As far as creation "by the words of His mouth is concerned," no one properly understands what God's words mean and contain.
From the preceding comments, one can see that the explanation of the origin of life and your origin advanced by traditional religions are equally disappointing and as misleading as the scientific ones.
Has it ever occurred to you that there might be a third explanation, one entirely different and apart from the other two? Could it be that both scientific and religious approaches are very wrong and that things happen in an entirely different manner than we have been told they did? Yes, there is . . . Let us call this third approach or explanation the spiritual method.
The spiritual approach was discovered "within" people's Inner Minds. While working professionally with people and with myself, I have developed a procedure for establishing contact with one's Inner Mind. After firm contact was established, I began to receive important revelations about these matters. The results then led me to the development of a new theory and working methodology which I described in my other, more professionally oriented books ("Principles of Spiritual Hypnosis," "Fundamentals of Human Spirituality," "Messages From Within," "Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation," "Intensive Spiritual Hypnotherapy" and "Reality, Myths and Illusions"). Those of you who are interested in a deeper philosophical understanding of these issues will find it in these books.
This approach and explanation, which was revealed to me by the Most High in my Inner Mind and in the Inner Mind of other people, claims that both the scientific and traditional religious approaches are incorrect, although they do contain some grains of truth. But those grains of truth are buried under huge mountains of distortion which completely block any access to the true knowledge of what really and truly happened and how it all began. However, the time now is ripe for anyone who is interested to know the truth.
Now, we shall summarize this revelation for you. It is up to you to decide whether you accept it or not. In chapter four you will be given an opportunity to get in touch with your own Inner Mind and to ask the Most High in your Inner Mind whether things really happened as described below.
First of all the Most High does not create things and beings from nothing. This would be in violation of His/Her own order and principle. Secondly, creating things and beings by the word of His mouth does not mean that God says a word and that word becomes reality. This is a description of the literal sense of the Bible. What it really means, is that His every word is pure truth and wisdom and that God's mouth signifies His love and good.
Thus, the Most High created His/Her Creation, in its original form, from His/Her love and good (by mouth) through His/ Her wisdom and truth (by words). Because the Most High is pure Love and Good and pure Wisdom and Truth, in Himself and by Himself, He/She created everything from and by Himself/Herself; not from nothing or by meaningless, empty sounding words. How this process of creation occurred was described in "Fundamentals of Human Spirituality" and "Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation" to which all interested are referred. The description of the process of creation would be too complex and outside the scope of this book. Here it is sufficient to say that Creation did not, and does not take place in time and space, as scientific and Biblical literal approach would lead you to believe. All Creation takes place outside of or without time and space. Therefore, to talk about time and place (space) in the process of creation is total foolishness. Time and place (space) were introduced in the process of creation relative to the position of various celestial bodies and the relationship of their inhabitants with one another.
It is very difficult for us who deal only in time, place and units, and nothing else, to understand what creation - without the presence of time and space - really does mean. How is it possible? We do not have any concrete notion or comparable idea of that kind of situation. The best we can do in this respect is to compare time, space and units with our own experiences of various states and conditions. When we are engaged in a pleasant, delightful, peaceful and happy event, time becomes meaningless to us and we are later immensely surprised to learn how much time elapsed.
The opposite is also true; when one is bored to death, so to speak, every minute seems to drag on like an hour. When one drives a car with something important in mind, one spontaneously goes into a deep trance. Here, the distance between one's point of departure and destination seems almost non-existent. Suddenly one is there, without even remembering how the journey was accomplished. On the other hand, when one is bored, the entire trip seems to be very long and arduous.
These examples give an approximate idea of what it is like to do something without the presence of time and space or place. It is sufficient to realize that the Most High is not limited by any time and space and therefore, He/She creates without time and space. (The reason that I use both "He/She" is that the Most High contains an equal distribution of all principles of masculinity and femininity within Himself/Herself. There is no preference for one principle over the other as there is with humans on Earth.)
But we do not have words in our human language which can express this state of timeless, spaceless condition from which the Most High creates. Unfortunately, for certain important spiritual reasons, our language is built from the elements of time and place, and utilizes only words that are time and placebound. Therefore, whatever we attempt to describe and to understand, we always describe and understand it in terms of time and place. This is the only language which is available to us at present. As you will see later, this situation was not always the case.
Thus, both science and the Holy Bible in their description of the events are grossly limited by this type of language and its ability to express things properly. Nothing else is available at the moment, nor, to be precise, has been available for the last few million years.
The Biblical account of Creation is not a description of the physical creation of the planet Earth in time and space, it is rather something entirely different. Does it seem reasonable that the Bible as a spiritual book, written for the spiritual education of people, should deal with such a non-spiritual subject as the physical creation of planet Earth and its inhabitants? It is more likely that the Creation story is describing some spiritual event or process but is bound by our human concepts of time, place and material existence.
Now, if this is true, what is the Holy Bible telling us?
As it was revealed by the Most High, through the great Swedish scientist, philosopher, mystic and theologian, Emanuel Swedenborg, over two hundred years ago, the Holy Bible is written in correspondences, or in representative meanings. Each word in the Holy Bible contains something purely spiritual which is represented by its literal meaning. Thus what you read in the Bible in the literal sense, is only an appearance of truth which contains real spiritual truths. For example, consider the common language we use when we say that "the sun is rising" and "the sun is setting." Everyone should know that this is not the truth. It is only an appearance of truth. The real truth is that the earth revolves on its own axis around the sun. This situation creates an illusion as if the sun is moving, while, in fact, it is the earth that is moving around the sun. This is a good example of what real truth and the appearance of truth are all about. Often, what seems to be true is not necessarily the truth.
To illustrate this situation for proper understanding, let us briefly interpret the first five verses, in chapter one of Genesis in the Holy Bible. It will give you an idea of how the Biblical description should be appropriately interpreted.
Verse one of Genesis, "IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED THE HEAVENS AND EARTH." "IN THE BEGINNING," means the "days of eternity" and the first step, when a human being begins the process of change, from being negative, evil, ignorant and adverse, living in an upside-down position, into becoming positive, good, progressive and placing everything in a right side-up position. "GOD," signifies in this connotation, the Lord Jesus Christ, the Redeemer, the Former from the womb, the Maker and the Creator. "HEAVENS," means the internal man or the Inner Mind of everyone. (The Kingdom of Heaven is within.) The word "AND" signifies the interior mind of every human being which connects heaven and earth: Heaven - the Inner Mind, "AND" - the interior mind or connection to the earth. "EARTH" here, means the external man or the external conscious, everyday type of mind from which humans on planet Earth derive everything in their lives. For more on these minds, see the next chapter.
"THE EARTH WAS WITHOUT FORM" means that a human being, before change, had nothing of truth. He/she possessed no appropriate knowledge or understanding in his/her external conscious mind; and "VOID" means that there was nothing of good or nothing of positive in his/her external conscious mind. This situation, that is, the lack of any truth and the lack of any good resulted in "DARKNESS." The "DARKNESS" meant people's foolishness, stupidity and ignorance about all things concerning themselves, their true essence and substance, regarding God, Creation and faith in God. Thus, it pertained to everything spiritual and heavenly, and in the ultimate sense, everything that relates to that question "who you really are and why you are here," and other profound questions.
"THE FACE OF THE DEEP" means all external, outward, useless activities of the negative people from the position of their conscious external mind before their change. These external, outward, useless activities people considered to be the only life. From this consideration originates all kinds of false conclusions and belief systems about who you really are, why are you here, what life is all about, what Creation is all about, what God is all about and all other important matters.
By "THE SPIRIT OF GOD" is meant the Lord Jesus Christ's mercy, which "HOVERS" or moves over such things that are stored, hidden or treasured in everyone's Inner Mind. This part of everyone's mind is called, in the Holy Bible, "REMAINS" or "REMNANTS." They store the proper, right and correct knowledge of that which is true and of that which is good, and about the true essence and substance of your own self. Furthermore, this "REMAINS" store the proper knowledge of what really happened to human life on planet Earth, how life was originated, and how Creation occurred, proceeded and became. This knowledge is hidden and cannot come to light as long as we rely upon and derive everything from the external conscious mind and its myths, illusions and perversions arising from the so-called upside-down position. The first step in discovering the entrance to our Inner Mind, is to replace those myths, illusions, perversions - and the upside-down position with a correct and appropriate knowledge of what is truly good, truly true and therefore, truly real. This true knowledge is stored in our Inner Minds and is called "THE FACE OF THE WATERS."
"THEN GOD SAID" means that the Lord Jesus Christ from His mercy steers us from within, from our Inner Mind, where the Lord is always present. By God's steering we are brought to the recognition, realization and acknowledgement of the fact that many things which we consider to be true, real and good are in fact, not true, not good and not real. We begin to see that they are false, evil and unreal. This meaning is revealed by the words "LET THERE BE LIGHT " In the moment there is "LIGHT" we realize that only the Lord Jesus Christ is the true light, the true reality, and that He is goodness and truth in Himself/Herself and by Himself/Herself. It also signifies that for the first time we realize that many things in our life which we consider to be good, are in fact, not good. Instead, they derive or stem from our self-love or egoism and from our love for the outward, external, momentary, passing things of this world which are ultimately self-destructive and destructive to others. Therefore, they cannot be in any way good or profitable. So, we see that many things which we consider to be true are, in fact, not true because they favor, justify, excuse and rationalize our false loves, our egoism, and our false belief systems. They also lead us to clinging to, and dependence upon the external, temporary, transient, unreal, illusionary and useless things that rule our earthly lives. Once we have this realization, "THERE IS LIGHT" in us. This light allows the second step to come to its fruition.
"AND GOD SAW THE LIGHT, THAT IT WAS GOOD," refers to our realization and acknowledgement of the fact that there is no real good and real truth in our external, outward conscious mind. It shows that all good and truth is "within," and comes from our Inner Mind, from the Lord in our Inner Mind, particularly and only from the Lord in our Inner Mind. This realization is good, and therefore it reflects the fact that for the first time we see clearly (we have the "LIGHT," so to speak) from where the real good and the real truth comes. This "SEEING CLEARLY" is the first "GOOD" that we receive from the Most High Who resides in our true Inner Mind. This "SEEING CLEARLY" now allows a clear distinction between that which is good and true, that is, which is from the Most High, and that which is evil and false, that is, which is from our external, conscious, outward mind, or our own egoistic self. This is the true meaning of the words, "AND GOD DIVIDED THE LIGHT FROM DARKESS."
These words signify that whatever comes from God, the Lord Jesus Christ and our true Inner Mind can be compared to day and daylight. In addition, whatever comes from our own egoistic self and its external, outward conscious mind can be compared to night and darkness.
By "EVENING" here is meant everything that was before we realized all these things previously described, for it is a state of no proper knowledge, understanding, faith or truth. In such a state, things are obscure and confusing. They are shaded as in the evening.
By "MORNING" in this case means everything that follows, after we realize the true state of affairs. Thus, "MORNING" means to be in light, that is, to know the truth and to have the right, correct and proper knowledge of how things really are. This is what true faith is all about. In a general sense, "EVENING" means all things which are our own, which are in our consciousness and in our lower unconscious mind and which are in our outward life. "MORNING" means all things which are of and from the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Most High, One Indivisible God, and from our Inner Mind. This realization and acknowledgement is what is meant by "THE FIRST DAY OF CREATION." It is the first step in our spiritual reawakening, relearning, restructuring and ultimate transformation from being negative, evil and ignorant human beings (ruled by an outward external type of life full of distortions, falsities, evils and egoism) into true human beings. We can then become highly spiritually evolved beings who derive all things from a state of unconditional love and wisdom, meaning from the Most High, by the Most High, through the Most High and with the Most High.
As you can see from this illustrative example, those things being described in the first chapter of the Holy Bible are not specifically referring to the physical creation of planet Earth and humankind in time and space, days and nights. Instead, this chapter contains seven progressive steps and states of changes: 1. reformation, 2. regeneration, 3. enlightenment, 4. reawakening, 5. relearning, 6. restructuring and 7. transformation of a human being. This human being is gradually transformed by the Most High from the "void, nothingness and darkness" of the external conscious mind (which is built from myths, illusions and pseudo-knowledge) with all its false, distorted, evil and negative ideas into a highly spiritual being (or what Swedenborg called the celestial man).
In this way we come into the true "image and likeness" of God, or a true heaven in human form. This state of the heavens in us is a state of love, wisdom, goodness, truth, and peace. Therefore it is called the seventh day on which God rested from everything that He/She had done. In this connotation, "to rest," does not literally mean to physically do nothing, as the literal sense implies. It is rather interpreted as a state of continuous profound, deep inner peace and satisfaction that stems from unconditional love and wisdom.
If God actually were to rest physically and do nothing more, the entire Creation would perish. The function of Creation is properly maintained by continuous, unceasing creative effort of the Most High. The seventh day, or Sabbath, is a state free of conflict and problems. To keep the Sabbath day, signifies to keep yourself free from conflicts, problems, stresses, tensions and all other negativity. It does not literally mean that you have to do nothing on one particular day.
There is however, an important spiritual principle of balancing of our everyday living. This principle requires that we pay equal attention to rest, fun, humor, play and relaxation. It is done for the purpose of maintaining good spiritual, mental and physical health. In this way we can be in good shape to fulfill our important mission on this planet and perform better use for mutual benefit, common good and sharing with all.
Now you can see how the entire Holy Bible should be conceived, interpreted and understood. (There are precisely thirty-five books in the Old and New Testament containing this kind of inner sense that should be conceived this way. The rest do not contain this inner sense. To learn more about this issue in the Holy Bible, refer to chapter eighteen in the book "Reality" Myths and Illusions." It will also be found in Swedenborg's writings, more particularly in his "The Four Doctrines"- the "Second Doctrine Concerning the Holy Scripture.")
It is erroneous to think that the Most High created the physical universe and its inhabitants first. To the contrary, in its original form, the physical universe and its inhabitants were created last. (The Most High however, never stops creating new things and therefore Creation is a continuous eternal process.)
Now, let us return to the true history of things which happened on planet Earth.
The original first human beings appeared on planet Earth approximately one hundred and forty million years ago. But before the appearance of human beings, the evolution of plant and animal life forms appeared to allow for the development of a physical form of life most suitable for life under the conditions that were specific to planet Earth at that time. This means that neither spiritually, mentally, emotionally, intellectually, sexually or physically, did human beings originate and evolve from lower life forms into the higher form of life as a result of the evolutionary chain. From this point of view, the theories of Darwin and his followers are completely wrong. They have fallen into a trap cunningly designed by the negative state.
We shall speak more about this trap briefly in a moment. However, the traditional interpretations of the Holy Bible's literal version concerning the story of Adam and Eve, are also totally wrong. This is especially true when people are led to believe that in the beginning God created one single human being whom He called Adam, and later on, because poor Adam was bored to death alone, God decided to give him a helper, a woman - a second single human being. Thus we have here two single human beings, from whom supposedly the entire humankind on planet Earth descended. We will be briefly discussing what these things actually mean in the next chapter.
The first true human beings were a direct endowment of life from and by the Most High into a physical form created for that purpose by the Most High. This form was patterned after a prototype which was established at that time on planet Earth. It was a most suitable and livable form for the conditions existing at that time. That physical form had some remote resemblance to the then existing ape-like creature (but not an ape as we know it today). This resemblance erroneously led scientists to believe that humans developed from apes, but in reality the first people on planet Earth did not evolve even physically into their present physical appearance from any animal form whatsoever.
The first human beings that appeared on this planet did not appear in the dimension we know, and of which we are aware. It was a different Earth, existing in a totally different dimension and one unknown to us. That dimension had, and has at all times, direct connections with the entire Creation which consists of the true spiritual world, the true intermediate world and the true physical world.
The first original human beings had very little resemblance to what we look like and function like at the present time. Neither did they have vocal cords. Thus communication among early individuals was direct, on the level of their Inner Mind, without the aid of spoken, audible words. Instead, they communicated in ideas, pure thoughts, concepts and images. Externally, they lived in a silent world. Also all plant and animal life of that time had no resemblance to the plant and animal life as we know it today. Only positive, beautiful and peaceful life forms existed on planet Earth at that time.
The physical appearance of the first humans was entirely different from ours. They were giants of immense proportions. They did not have any elimination of urine and feces or any waste from their bodies as we do. Whatever they consumed in the form of food and drink was utilized one hundred percent, being converted into pure physical energy, without leaving any traces of waste. If there was an over utilization of anything in the form of food and drink, it was transformed into stored energy in the stomach and other regions of the body. Usually, this energy emanated from a person as a bright light of various colors. It was also accompanied by a beautiful, scintillating fragrance.
From the very beginning, the first people were created by the Most High into fully developed forms, as fully knowledgeable adult people. At that time, ignorant children were not born. New humans appeared as needed, when needed and where needed by direct endowment and creative effort of the Most High. No physical childbirth existed.
Sexual intercourse was not required for procreation but was carried on solely for pleasure, mutual sharing and exchange of everything that one had and felt with opposite sexual characteristics. In every case, sexual intercourse was specifically used as a means to acquire greater knowledge of the Most High, others and oneself, with only one purpose in mind: for mutual benefit, common good, sharing and use for all. No negative, ulterior, egoistic, possessive, jealous, evil or other adverse thoughts, feelings or desires existed at that time. No knowledge or practice of the negative state was conceivable or even thinkable for them at that time. The first people were created by the Most High in the fullness of all spiritual, mental, physical and scientific knowledge which was available from the entire Creation up to that point. These early humans possessed all knowledge and all wisdom of all the universes and all mankind in the Most High's Creation. No ignorance or unconscious processes, states and conditions or unconscious mind existed. Everything in human mind was conscious, obvious and clear. No illness, disease, infections or any other adverse, negative and deadly states or conditions existed at that time. The average Earthly life-span of the first people was approximately five thousand years. When anyone fulfilled his/her purpose for being on this planet, that one simply left one's physical body and went to the spiritual world to continue one's eternal life of spiritual growth and spiritual progression. There was no death as it is known at the present time.
Originally, approximately four million people were simultaneously endowed with life on planet Earth. Those first four million people are summarily referred in the Holy Bible as "Adam." Their state and condition is described in Biblical symbolic terms as Adam's life in the Garden of Eden, before Eve was created from his rib.
This original and genuine condition of mankind continued for approximately twenty thousand years. After that time, a second phase in human history on planet Earth began, a period which continued for approximately one hundred million years. This is how long it took for the second round of people to come to the point where the so-called "Fall of Man" was initiated. It took approximately thirty million years in Earthly time for the Fall itself to come to its full realization. Thus, it was not a matter of one day or one night as it appears from a literal sense of the Holy Bible, even though many people believe it lasted only one day and night.
After the first people left planet Earth and the second generation became established here, these humans originally continued with the same lifestyle experienced by the first people. Scientists of that society were in charge of the external arrangements of this world. They were preoccupied with studying the laws and correspondences of the physical world from the standpoint of sensory, physical or bodily organs. The natural position from which they were assigned to study the material world and the physical body was obviously from the outside, by observation. Scientists described these functions for the purpose of aligning and harmonizing natural laws with spiritual, inner laws and establishments. Thus, the scientists of that ancient society were in charge of maintaining continuous unification with, and derivation of everything in the material world and physical body from the spirit, soul, mind and the spiritual world and its laws and establishments. These early scientists made sure that there would not be any occurrence of discord, disharmony or separation of the states and processes of the material world and the human physical body from the spiritual world, from the spiritual Inner Mind and from God.
By the nature of their work these scientists had to observe and describe everything from the outside, that is from the point of view of the material world and from the function of the physical body. Thus, they were limited in their work by the tools which they had, namely: the human sensory organs. This is known to be a safe method of observation as long as one keeps in mind the fact that sensory organs are limited. Moreover, that they originate from spiritual ideas for the purpose of accommodating the living spirit in the physical body and the physical universe. The tragedy starts only when one decides that these human, physical sensory organs are independent of any spiritual laws and that they have their own life, unconnected to or independent of anything or anyone else.
The scientific curiosity of the human mind is proverbial. Consider that the second people on Earth possessed unimaginable (undreamed of by us) knowledge and science. Their scientists had an incomparable curiosity to explore and to experiment. Their curiosity was much greater and broader than that of the scientists in our time. Today's scientists cannot, in their wildest dreams and imagination, realize what was available to those scientists and the state of their science at that time.
For that reason, at one point in their history, the scientists of the second generation, from observing and studying the laws of matter and of the sensory organs of the human body, raised the following crucial, vital and important question: WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF THE ORIGIN OF LIFE COULD BE EXPLAINED BY THE SO•CALLED PHYSICAL LAWS AND NATURAL PROCESSES WITHOUT ANY INVOLVEMENT OF SPIRITUAL LAWS, THE SPIRITUAL WORLD, OR GOD - THE CREATOR? WHAT WOULD LIFE BE LIKE WITHOUT ANY SPIRITUALITY OR IF ONE WERE TO DERIVE SPIRITUALITY SOLELY FROM NATURE INSTEAD OF DERIVING NATURE FROM SPIRITUALITY? (To put nature in the first place, to conceive it as an originator of everything, and then to consider spirituality as the end product of nature's independent development is to put everything upside down and to have a totally distorted spirituality.)
But how does one go about experimenting with such a scientifically intricate and interesting question? Of course, as you know, once such an important and crucial question is asked, it must be answered. This is the nature of Creation. Whatever inquiry is made on any level of Creation, no matter how low or how outward that level is, it must be answered by the means and ways specific to that level. And since the above question was posed from the outward degree of the physical world, which degree was assigned at that time to the planet Earth, it had to be answered in terms of that world, that is on planet Earth, by the tools, ways and means which were specific to that planet. These tools, ways and means were concrete, visible, experiential, sensory, feelable, demonstrative and illustrative examples. There were not any other ways to answer that question so that it could be understood or accepted on that level.
Now, the Most High, the Creator in His/Her timeless and spaceless condition, foresaw that such a question would be asked. Therefore, He/She devised a Grand Plan for responding to the question, answering in the most acceptable, efficient, sufficient and learnable manner possible. Planet Earth was therefore created by the Most High, with this specific purpose in His/ Her mind: Planet Earth was to become a ground upon which that question not only would be asked but it would also be explicitly and experientially answered to the full satisfaction of the entire Creation. The Most High also foresaw that certain people would be willing to volunteer for such an experiment. These people would not only volunteer but they would also be willing to obliterate their memories, so that they would not even remember that they volunteered for this purpose. These people also agreed not to remember all of this, as long as they are on the planet Earth or for as long as this new revelation is being given to humankind.
Once the scientists of that society asked that question, they proceeded with experimentation in order to receive appropriate answers. (As you remember, the question was: "What would happen if the origin of life could be explained by the so-called physical laws and natural processes without any involvement of spiritual laws, the spiritual world, or God - the Creator? What would life be like without any spirituality, or if one were to derive spirituality from nature instead of deriving nature from spirituality?")
The first step to be taken in answering that question was to start to bring people into this world, not by spiritual means, but by scientific or so-called natural means. As you remember, up to this point, people were coming into this world by a direct endowment, by and of the Most High. The Most High would form a suitable physical body extracted from the elements of planet Earth. Into that body, He/She would put a spirit which proceeded from His/Her Absolute Spirit. Upon its entrance in its physical body, the Spirit then vivified the body so that it would become alive. The body can be alive only from the presence of that spirit in it as that spirit is alive from the fact that it came from the Absolutely Living Spirit of the Most High. This is how all people in the entire Creation of the Most High were created. This is the only proper, correct, normal, natural, healthy way and procedure for creation and birth of any kind of people. It is called the spiritual way. Any other way is in violation of this eternal procedure. It invariably becomes an upsidedown position, one that leads to nothing but troubles and misery, as the history of presently existing humankind on planet Earth so vividly illustrates.
If people were able to continue coming to this Earth by the proper spiritual way, there would be no possibility and opportunity to answer that important, crucial and vital question that we formulated above. The reason for this is that whatever is derived from spiritual means, is always spiritual, regardless of what outward form it takes. Thus, in order to properly answer that question, it was necessary to discontinue bringing people into this world by these spiritual means.
But how does one accomplish such a complex task? You have to remember that those scientists had at their disposal a tremendous knowledge of genetic engineering, knowledge of the laws of correspondences or representations and knowledge of all spiritual, mystical, physical and any other arrangements that contained the secrets of life-making. Knowing that the human spirit (which comes from the Absolute Spirit of the Most High) is present in every single cell and in all genes of the human body (from which position that spirit vivifies its body, making it alive), the scientists of that time decided to experiment with human male and female cells. They combined one male and one female cell by the special process of bi-cloning. By this process, and by some other mysterious processes, that we cannot know at this time, they created a living human being, who, for the first time, was not a direct endowment from and by the Most High but only an indirect endowment. This indirect endowment came about from the fact that every living cell of the human body contains "its spirit," which comes from the Absolute Spirit of the Most High, and in which, thus, the Most High is ever present to give life to His/Her Creation.
Thus a human being was created by purely physical, scientific means instead of by spiritual means. In the process of this experimentation the scientists used only purely spiritual material that was originally created by the Most High. This is very important to realize because otherwise we would come to the distorted and false conclusion that humans can create things from themselves, and by themselves. Humans cannot create anything by themselves and from themselves. The only way human beings can create anything at all is from the material which was originally created by the Most High. The Most High permitted this to happen for the all important purpose of learning the answer to that crucial, vital and important question that was posed above. Since the Most High is present in every living cell (in the spirit of that cell) it guarantees that everyone's freedom of choice is preserved. For that reason, whoever participated in such an experiment and whoever was produced by such an experiment, participated and was produced through his/her freedom of choice. This is the nature of the Most High, the One Who creates only "in" freedom and independence and "for" freedom and independence. We shall continue to discuss this issue of free choice in the following chapters.
The notable difference between people who were created by the direct endowment, of and by the Most High, and those people who came into existence in this world by means of the physical, genetic process of bi-cloning, is that people who came by the process of bi-cloning lacked the important spiritual experience of being directly endowed by the Most High. Hence, the beginning of the "Fall," or Spiritual recession. The true meaning of the Fall or Spiritual recession is in the fact that by this process, humankind on Earth started a dangerous trend which turned everything upside down. This process is symbolically described in the Holy Bible, in the book of Genesis, chapter two, verses eighteen through twenty-five. God, creating a wife for Adam from his rib, signifies producing a man by sensorial, physical and natural means because the human lower rib corresponds to, or represents the outward physical world and scientific methodology. That it was God Who put Adam to sleep and performed this surgery, signifies that God permitted this to happen for the sake of learning and that His material was used for that purpose.
This act also signifies that God is always present in any living cell of the human body and unquestionably in the human spirit and soul. It is the place where the man's spirit resides for the purpose of vivifying or making his body alive. Whatever is alive must contain in itself, a certain degree of the Most High's presence, because only the Most High is truly eternally alive, being alive in Himself/Herself and by Himself/Herself. Everyone else is only alive from Him/Her.
This is one reason why it is said in the Bible that God created Eve from Adam's rib. It signifies the Most High's permission for people to do so. Taking out Adam's rib also signifies that people on this planet are going to be made now not by a direct endowment of the Most High but rather by physical means. That Adam was placed into a deep sleep signifies that scientists of that time lost their spiritual perspective. They failed to realize the tremendous dangers into which they were putting the entire future of humankind on planet Earth.
At one point in the history of that humankind, all people originally created by direct endowment from and by the Most High, left planet Earth. A new generation of humans came into being. These humans were brought into this world entirely through a special type of bi-cloning. In the process of this new generation's development, its members became less and less spiritual; an inevitable result, for they lacked that crucial experience of being directly endowed by the Most High. Instead, these humans were becoming more and more sensorial, corporeal and materialistic, gradually turning themselves more and more outside, outward, toward nature, away from their Inner Mind and from the Most High in their Inner Mind. The lack of experience of the direct endowment of life by and from the Most High gradually started the process of ignorance and unconscious processes which eventually led to the establishment of the negative state. If you do not have such an experience, you are both ignorant of that experience and you are consciously unaware of that experience. This is how ignorance and unconscious processes came to their fruition. This is how the negative state was allowed to be activated and put into dominance as it is so evident on the planet Earth at the present time.
The danger of that situation was in those people gradually losing interest in God, in spirituality and in spiritual values. At the same time, they still possessed tremendous knowledge; even more so, because more knowledge had been accumulated in the process of millions of years since the first appearance of humankind on this planet. Unfortunately, they started to use this knowledge for non-spiritual purposes.
As one generation followed another through this special process of bi-cloning, a new generation came into being and existence that developed hatred for everything spiritual and everything that was coming from the Most High. This hatred was combined with envy and fierce lustful desire to abolish everything spiritual, to expel God, the Most High, from Creation and to take over the entire Creation, with the intent of making themselves gods and uncontested rulers of everything that existed.
In order to do that they needed proof that no one needs the Most High for anything and that the Most High is not a true Creator but rather that life originated from nature and matter without any Divine presence or effort because primeval matter always existed throughout all of eternity, without beginning or end.
Well, how would you go about proving that human beings are not created by the spiritual means from the Most High but are only a natural process of evolution, from dead elements in matter to the single cell amoeba and later on, to become lower animals, gradually evolving into humans? In other words, how do you prove that from nothing comes something? Or that life originated from the non-life of matter? To prove this means to prove that there is no God-Creator or spiritual principle. It means that humans have, in fact, created in their imagination, a God in a human likeness and image, and these humans produced all kinds of spiritual laws to prove their point. By proving that you can now really establish an upside down position proclaiming it to be the right-side up position.
That generation, which strived to prove this point, experimented with various alternatives until it came up with a grandiose plan. Their scientists then devised a crafty and cunning scientific hoax, providing for it all kinds of proof, beyond a shadow of a doubt, so that future scientists would have no choice but to believe that which they saw with their scientific eyes as being scientific fact.
This generation, what they did, and what happened afterward, is described in the Holy Bible, in chapter three of the Book of Genesis, by the fall of Adam and Eve.
As the scientists of that generation observed the animal life, they noticed the manner and ways by which the procreation of highly evolved mammalian animals took place. The procreation was by the means of impregnation of a female animal by a male animal through copulation and penetration of the penis into the female vagina and depositing in it the male's semen. The animal fetus developed in its mother's womb and after its birth, was helplessly dependent on its parents for survival.
Thus, the first idea which occurred to the scientists was that, in order to make people dependent on the externals or outward natural laws, they would have to restructure them in such a manner that they would exactly adopt the behavior of animals. This process would then allow scientists to fabricate the type of people who would tend to look outside, outward, to nature and natural laws, instead of looking inward, into the Inner Mind, to the Most High and to His/Her spiritual laws. Moreover, scientists did not like the process of bi-cloning, because it still contained too much spirituality. Bi-cloning could processes which eventually led to the establishment of the negative state. If you do not have such an experience, you are both ignorant of that experience and you are consciously unaware of that experience. This is how ignorance and unconscious processes came to their fruition. This is how the negative state was allowed to be activated and put into dominance as it is so evident on the planet Earth at the present time.
The danger of that situation was in those people gradually losing interest in God, in spirituality and in spiritual values. At the same time, they still possessed tremendous knowledge; even more so, because more knowledge had been accumulated in the process of millions of years since the first appearance of humankind on this planet. Unfortunately, they started to use this knowledge for non-spiritual purposes.
As one generation followed another through this special process of bi-cloning, a new generation came into being and existence that developed hatred for everything spiritual and everything that was coming from the Most High. This hatred was combined with envy and fierce lustful desire to abolish everything spiritual, to expel God, the Most High, from Creation and to take over the entire Creation, with the intent of making themselves gods and uncontested rulers of everything that existed.
In order to do that they needed proof that no one needs the Most High for anything and that the Most High is not a true Creator but rather that life originated from nature and matter without any Divine presence or effort because primeval matter always existed throughout all of eternity, without beginning or end.
Well, how would you go about proving that human beings are not created by the spiritual means from the Most High but are only a natural process of evolution, from dead elements in matter to the single cell amoeba and later on, to become lower animals, gradually evolving into humans? In other words, how do you prove that from nothing comes something? Or that life originated from the non-life of matter? To prove this means to prove that there is no God-Creator or spiritual principle. It means that humans have, in fact, created in their imagination, a God in a human likeness and image, and these humans produced all kinds of spiritual laws to prove their point. By proving that you can now really establish an upside down position proclaiming it to be the right-side up position.
That generation, which strived to prove this point, experimented with various alternatives until it came up with a grandiose plan. Their scientists then devised a crafty and cunning scientific hoax, providing for it all kinds of proof, beyond a shadow of a doubt, so that future scientists would have no choice but to believe that which they saw with their scientific eyes as being scientific fact.
This generation, what they did, and what happened afterward, is described in the Holy Bible, in chapter three of the Book of Genesis, by the fall of Adam and Eve.
As the scientists of that generation observed the animal life, they noticed the manner and ways by which the procreation of highly evolved mammalian animals took place. The procreation was by the means of impregnation of a female animal by a male animal through copulation and penetration of the penis into the female vagina and depositing in it the male's semen. The animal fetus developed in its mother's womb and after its birth, was helplessly dependent on its parents for survival.
Thus, the first idea which occurred to the scientists was that, in order to make people dependent on the externals or outward natural laws, they would have to restructure them in such a manner that they would exactly adopt the behavior of animals. This process would then allow scientists to fabricate the type of people who would tend to look outside, outward, to nature and natural laws, instead of looking inward, into the Inner Mind, to the Most High and to His/Her spiritual laws. Moreover, scientists did not like the process of bi-cloning, because it still contained too much spirituality.
Bi-cloning could not produce the desirable amount of ignorance and unconscious processes. With ignorance and unconscious processes, scientists intended to establish the rule and dominion of the negative state. The negative state is a state of looking outside, outward, toward nature, instead of looking inside, to the Inner Mind, and to the Most High.
In the moment that early generation devised this plan and decided to proceed with its realization, tremendous havoc occurred. It created a warp in the spiritual, intermediate and physical universes, and in the fabric of time and space. This cataclysmic event threw them out from the dimension of the true Creation they occupied up to that point. In the Biblical terms they were expelled from the Garden of Eden, meaning from the true Creation.
After this early generation was thrown out, it fell from the real Planet Earth into the so-called Zone of Displacement, a dimension that exists parallel to the true Creation. To repeat, that early generation fell out from the real planet Earth into its Zone of Displacement or into anti-universe, where they were allowed to continue with their experimentations. Unfortunately, they were able to take with them all the knowledge they possessed. In addition, they also brought along samples of all existing animals and plants from their original planet Earth. (For details about the "Zone of Displacement" I would like to refer you to the "Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation" and also, chapter fourteen of "Reality, Myths and Illusions.")
Up to that point, this Zone of Displacement was uninhabited. Now, having all knowledge, means and correspondences retained and available, the early generation was then free to go ahead with their plans. As mentioned just above, they brought all animal cells, samples and genes from the true planet Earth. Then they decided to use those genes to fabricate a pseudo-man, one who would be entirely different from them, and unlike anything ever created by direct endowment, from and by the Most High. Here, scientists decided to utilize animal genes in production of new creatures whom they called "man." They needed animal ignorance and lack of conscious self-awareness. This would allow them to be in total control of that creature-man. The control would be established through external means and by means of dependency of that pseudo-man on external factors, on the natural laws and on external mind rather than on internal factors, on spiritual law, on the Inner Mind and on the Most High, as is the case with spiritual man. Yet, these scientists also needed to retain some degree of the original human semblance, so that the newly fabricated people would be able to learn what the scientists wanted them to learn. For that reason, after several million years of experimentation, scientists succeeded in fabricating a pseudo-man that contained ninety-five percent of the genes and endowment of the animal life. As a result, only five percent of the genes and endowment from the true humans remained. This five percent however, was sufficient to retain in newly fabricated people, the ability to develop self-concept, rationality and higher forms of learning.
In the process of manipulation through genetic endowment in fabricating pseudo-man, scientists, living at that time, suppressed or genetically removed all knowledge of anything spiritual; of any need to go inward; of any knowledge of the Inner Mind and spirituality and of the Most High. Beyond this, many other things enjoyed by the original humans were suppressed. They made pseudo-people totally dependent upon external, outward natural laws and one's conscious mind. This action blocked off any conscious access to the five percent of truly human and Godly qualities, which scientists needed to retain in order to accomplish their goal.
Because the scientists of that time fabricated all of these events, henceforth, they shall be called: "pseudo-creators."
In order to prove further that these newly fabricated human beings evolved from animals, and not from, and by the direct endowment of the Most High, the pseudo-creators also fabricated a caricature of a newly fabricated man which they called an ape. They placed this ape in the proximity of newly fabricated humans so that future scientists would have little choice but to conclude that human beings evolved from apes. This kind of conclusion is easy to make due to the fact that the physical body of the newly fabricated man, apes and other mammalian creatures, were functionally almost the same without too much difference. Most of the manipulation and change was done to female humans, enabling the woman to conceive a child in her womb and to give birth to babies in exactly the same manner as mammalian animals. Thus, a physical birth of a human child is an animalistic process fabricated by the pseudocreators in order to eliminate anything spiritual and Godly from human life. Of course, scientists of the present time fully bought this tremendous scientific hoax fabricated by the pseudo-creators. This hoax leads modern scientists to the conclusion that life originated from nature and matter, and not from the Most High and spiritual principles.
Has it ever occurred to you why God-the-Creator would order the Children of Israel to follow certain rituals following sexual intercourse and childbirth involving this kind of animalistic means? Read chapter twelve in the Book of Leviticus (the third book of Moses) in the Holy Bible. After childbirth through animalistic means, or after each period of menstruation, a woman was ordered to appear before the priest to sacrifice a burnt offering and a sin offering for her atonement. Subsequently to this her sins of childbirth and menstruation were forgiven. A woman had to purify herself for thirty-three days after she bore a male child. If she bore a female child, the mother had to be purified for sixty-six days.
Why was this so? If God were the true and direct originator of the presently existing people on this planet and of the ways they give birth to their children, why would something Godly like childbirth be considered a sin? Or why a man who had an emission of his semen, if it is such a natural, normal and proper process, had to wash his entire body and be unclean until evening? (Leviticus, chapter fifteen, verse sixteen, and in other Biblical references.)
The true reason why these rituals were ordered by the Most High, was to bring to our attention the fact that presently existing humans on the planet Earth and the way and means in which babies are born into this world - and by which male and female make love to each other - were not originally created by the Most High. Instead, present day humans are the end product and result of genetic, magical, correspondential and other mysterious manipulations of the pseudo-creators. They were allowed to do so in order to illustrate by living examples, the answer to that previously stated, important, crucial, vital question. Moreover, the reason why a woman had to purify herself twice-over after giving birth to a female child, because the most alteration, change and genetic manipulation was done on females. Furthermore, because, originally, sexual intercourse was never meant to be for procreation, in the process of that sexual intercourse, no semen was emitted and, therefore, no external physical ways and means were present in the process of lovemaking. This is one of the reasons why with this new arrangement (fabricated by the pseudo-creators) the emission of semen corresponds to those sinful, external ways and means of life that bring people nothing but troubles.
Thus, as you can see from this situation, presently existing humans on planet Earth are not true, original, genuine humans created by the Most High. We are the result of a cunningly and craftily devised plan and genetic, magical, correspondential and other mysterious types of manipulations by pseudo-creators. As mentioned above, they did this for the purpose of the destruction of anything spiritual and Godly in us. They also did this for the purpose of the activation and dominance of the negative state, in opposition to and different from anything positive and good which comes from the Most High.
Once the pseudo-creators accomplished this, the negative state came into full life. Consequently, it was put in full dominance throughout the entire Zone of Displacement and in the natural form on this planet Earth (this particular dimension in which we live).
The next important step which was necessary to take for the pseudo-creators was to eliminate any traces of their existence in the natural degree of planet Earth and in its Zone of Displacement. This was done so that no link or connection could be established to them and to their scientific hoax. Their tremendous knowledge of universal laws and their spiritual correspondences, enabled them to travel backward in time, even before the physical Earth came into being and existence. Pseudo-creators in this manner settled themselves in the Zone of Displacement of the spiritual world. There they established and developed an entirely different style and mode of life. This lifestyle opposed everything positive, Godly and good. It was and is ruled entirely by all kinds of evil, falsities, distortions and perversions of the original states and processes of Creation. These evil, falsities, etc., are continuously produced anew by them. The state and condition which they established in this plane, parallel to the true spiritual world, place or state, is called hell(s). Its parallel world of goodness and truth, or of the positive state, is called heaven(s). Thus the negative state is - in its nature - a true hell, while the positive state is - in its nature - a true heaven.
Once the pseudo-creators established themselves firmly in their hells, they fabricated all kinds of creatures, demons, satans, devils and similar monstrous inventions there. They also started a fierce spiritual war against the entire Creation of the Most High for the purpose of taking over and establishing their own uncontested rule and dominion over all of Creation.
By the pseudo-creators' establishment of hells, the original history of true humankind on planet Earth ended. From that point on, the new era of the pseudo-humankind (with pseudohumans) with the history of continuous bloodshed, hatred and all kinds of negativity started.
In the process of the pseudo-creators' travel backward in time, by that process itself, they erased any traces of their ever having been on planet Earth. This was necessary for them to do in order to prevent future scientists from discovering any possible indication of what really happened. If such evidence and proof were ever found, people could then become aware of the true state of affairs and would certainly do something about it. 'This was the last thing the pseudo-creators ever wanted to happen.
If you are interested in learning more about these events and happenings, you are advised to familiarize yourself with this author's books, "Fundamentals of Human Spirituality," "Messages From Within," "Four Concepts of the Spiritual Structure of Creation" and "Reality, Myths and Illusions." All address these issues more deeply and in greater detail.
The pseudo-creation of the presently existing people on this planet happened approximately four million or so years ago. The beginning of the so-called "Fall" commenced approximately thirty million years ago. In the process of the pseudo-creators' backward travel in time and space, they caused tremendous cataclysms, catastrophies and turmoils in the fabric of the physical universe. They still reverberate at the present time. As a result of these upheavals, the Earth's original one continent was split into several continents. Many other things also happened of similar catastrophic nature described in the Holy Bible as the "Flood."
Scientists consider these and similar events to be natural catastrophies. But, as you can see, they were carefully planned by pseudo-creators who possessed full knowledge of how to produce all of these devastating events. They did this for the purpose of having total control of all future events that would be occurring on planet Earth. In this way they sought to dominate the people that they put there together with apes and other animals.
As correspondences and representations of these negative, evil and adverse thoughts, feelings and affections, exhibited by the pseudo-creators, they fabricated in hells various correspondences which have been consciously projected into our dimension on this planet. These adverse affections usually appear here in a concrete form of all kinds of negative, poisonous and dangerous plants; animals, fish, birds; insects, germs, viruses, human illnesses, disorders; wars, sufferings, accidents, incidents, perversions, ad infinitum. Thus, all adverse, bad, negative, evil and atrocious things that we experience on this planet and in our life as humans, are the result of the work of the pseudo-creators, as briefly described above. From this you can see that all negative things and the negative state, did not originate from or were never created by the Most High as many people believe.
Of course, you have to realize that many other things, events and happenings were produced by the pseudo-creators. This ultimately led to activation of the negative state, fabrication of pseudo-humans and inhabitation of the Zone of Displacement. It also provided for the establishment of hells in the spiritual world and their connectedness to everything negative which has been going on continuously in our earthly life. Not all of these things are accessible to our conscious mind or to our proper understanding. What has been revealed by the Most High about this situation, thus far, is sufficient - for the time being - for us to realize the true state of affairs. This realization may lead you, if you choose so by your own free will, to a revolutionary change in your life, in your thinking, in your feelings and in your behavior in positive ways. This will enable you to free yourself from the trap which was so craftily and cunningly set for all of us by the activators of the negative state.
Of course, your question can well be, "But how did I come into this mess? And, why me?" Your important question deserves an important answer. That answer will be given to you in the following chapters.
For a better understanding of what has been said so far, we shall summarize it with the following points:
The answer to the question posed in the heading of this chapter states that the history of mankind and thus the history
of your own origin, as described in various traditional scientific, historic, and religious books is incorrect. Science and history have no indication whatsoever that anything as previously described ever happened. As you can see, it was carefully assured by the pseudo-creators that no scientific proof of anything described here could ever be found.
Divine Providence of the Most High however, provided that all these events, the way they really happened, would be recorded in the books of the Holy Bible, though in a disguised manner (in the language of parables, representations and correspondences). The word "correspondences" means that any word of the external human language, a word or words which we use for our expressions and communication would contain manifold meanings. One meaning is literal, just exactly what we mean by it. But beyond literal meanings, there are other deeper meanings that reflect a different state of affairs. These are not easily apparent in the literal sense. I am told by the Most High, that each word in the Bible has at least ten different meanings or levels of meanings. Of these, we have little or no notion whatsoever.
A good example of this law, or the word "correspondence" is the correspondence itself. What do you understand by the word "correspondence"? That you, for example, write a letter to someone about something. This is to say that you correspond with that person. This correspondence somehow connects you with that person. But this word also means that you are in a certain proximity to that person and that person is somewhere else and that he/she means something to you.
The word "correspondence" also means to relate from one position to another position. Such relatedness connects those two different positions in a way that they are aware of each other. Another meaning of the word "correspondence" is to symbolize something, or to represent something. Consider, for example, the word "light." The literal meaning of "light" is daylight when you can clearly see with your physical eyes. But it also means to be enlightened, that is, to know the truth. Thus, we can say that light corresponds to truth, and truth corresponds to wisdom, because wisdom consists of a proper knowledge of truth. This gives you light and clear vision or understanding, what to do and how to do things correctly, properly and successfully. This is what correspondences are all about. This is how the Most High disguised all of those events in the Holy Bible described in this chapter.
But, of course, traditional religions do not know about or accept such a meaning of the Bible, with the exception of Swedenborg's followers, and if they know, they deny these correspondences or their usefulness. By this denial they lose access to the truth and real knowledge of what really happened, how it really happened and why it really happened the way it did.
The reason why the Most High dictated the Holy Bible through specially selected people was to maintain some degree of external connectedness with everyone in the Zone of Displacement, that is, in the negative state, with everyone in the positive state. This act provides a means for eventual return of everyone to the original spiritual state of affairs, that is, back to the Most High. Another reason why the Holy Bible was written in these correspondences was to accommodate its meaning to all circles and dimensions of Creation which are in different levels and degrees of understanding of truth and its good and good and its truth. This was also done for the purpose of preventing people on Earth from profanation of the holiness of the sacred true knowledge contained in the Holy Bible. This profanation would cause people's eternal destruction without any possibility of salvation (coming back home). Only when the time is ripe, will these facts be revealed by the Most High. Obviously, the present time is ripe and therefore the secret about what really happened is now being revealed to anyone willing to listen and act upon the revelation in a positive sense.
In view of these facts it is obvious that you are not what either science or traditional religion says that you are. Neither are you the evolutionary evolvement from animal life and matter, as scientists would like you to believe. Nor are you the direct creation of the Creator, the Most High, as traditional religion would like you to believe. In your present form and condition you are the product of a million years of genetic, and some other mysterious manipulations of the pseudo. creators who set out to prove that human life does not have to originate from the Most High and His/Her spiritual principles. However, the material which was used by the pseudo-creators for fabrication of so-called modern man, and thus your present form, was created by the Most High. This material was subsequently abused and misused by the pseudo-creators for evil purpose and intent. These pseudo-creators were the eighth humankind in a succession of humankind, on planet Earth which appeared on this planet through the process of bi-cloning. It commenced approximately eighty million years ago according to earth's relative time.
All of this was permitted to happen by the Most High for the purpose of answering the question which was raised by the scientists. They were the second original humankind that appeared on the planet Earth approximately less than one hundred forty million years ago. The question is as follows: What would happen if the origin of life could be explained by the so-called physical laws and natural processes of matter without any involvement of any spiritual laws, spiritual world or the Most High-the-Creator? What would life be like without any spirituality or if you were able to derive spiritual principles from matter and nature, instead of seeing matter and nature as a product, an outcome of the spiritual laws and principles?
In order to answer these questions in the language of concrete illustration and manifestation for the benefit of all in the entire Creation of the Most High, He/She, permitted an experiment that would lead to the conditions in which the results, outcomes and consequences of that experiment would be fully actualized and realized. Hence, the answer to that question would be given by a living example. This living example is reflected in the history of modern humankind on this planet.
A planet was designed for this purpose. Volunteers sought out those who would not only be willing to produce and participate in this experiment but those who would be willing to agree with the necessity to eliminate any memory from their conscious awareness that they had even volunteered for such an experiment. Otherwise, the experiment would not have any validity and usefulness and no proper answer to that question could be given. Thus, no proper and correct learning could come to its fruition.
The planet was planet Earth, and everyone who has ever been on this planet, and is on it at the present time, or ever will be, is on it strictly on a voluntary basis. Thus you are here on this planet by your own choice, of your own free will, for a certain purpose. We are all here for a very important spiritual reason, which includes the choice not to remember anything about this choice.
By the process of this experimentation, the negative state and everything evil, bad, false, distorted and perverted, came into its being and existence. Thus, the negative state did not originate from the Most High. It was rather the result of denial that life and human beings were created by the Most High from Himself/Herself, and from His/Her spiritual principles. The outcomes and consequences of this denial are vividly illustrated by the history of humankind on planet Earth for the last four million years or so.
The result of this experimentation in the negative state was the institution of ignorance and unconscious processes. These led people to depend upon others and upon physical laws. Thus, they lost the initial and original mind control they previously held over all natural and physical laws. This kept humans from turning themselves inward to their Inner Mind, where all true and genuine knowledge about the above described facts, as well as about everything else concerning life and Creation, is stored. This knowledge is available for everyone who finds the right key to open the entrance into their Inner Mind.
Thus, you are not only limited in your knowledge about everything and yourself, but from the external world, you are fed false and distorted knowledge, information which most of us consider to be true knowledge. By acceptance of this situation a firm condition has been established in this world, in you (your conscious mind) in which everything is upside down. This position is falsely believed by all of us to be right side-up and proper.
From the above described experimentation a false idea was established and accepted by most of us that human life on earth in its present form is a true life, and that whatever happens here is a normal, healthy and natural state of affairs. We are also led to believe that this is the way it is supposed to be and that nothing can be done about this situation.
The true reality about all of this, however, is that what you consider to be the true life is a false life, a pseudo-life, a dead life.
It is non-life and a lousy, miserable, imitation, fake life, which has nothing good and nothing true in itself and of itself. There is nothing of true life in it whatsoever.
The full extent of the usefulness of this experimentation in the negative state and its fake life, or non-life, can be known only to the Most High. Everyone in the entire Creation, including all of us who are direct participants in this pseudo-life of the negative state, continue to learn from everything that has been happening in all regions where the negative state dominates. This includes planet Earth (the dimension of Earth on which we live). Everything of this nature serves a very important spiritual purpose which is very difficult for us to understand. The reason for this non-understanding is in the fact that we volunteered and agreed not to understand the purpose fully. This situation will last until it is over for every one of us individually, or until a specific time, appointed by the Most High, when the usefulness of this negative state's being and existence is exhausted and is no longer needed for any purpose.
It is important to realize that ninety-five percent of that which we are, or consist of, is an imposed, artificially induced state. We are the result of genetic manipulation, a forceful attachment of animalistic tendencies contained in those genes which were taken from then existing animals by the pseudocreators and used for their experimentations. This was done for the purpose of making humans into beast-like creatures, pseudohumans that could be ruled by beastly affections, raw emotions, fears, aggressions, violence, dependency, externalization and in total ignorance regarding all matters of life and spirituality.
From this fact stems a very obvious conclusion that what we consider to be human is not even remotely human. Thus, we have no true knowledge from our conscious experience what it is like to be a true human. The true human part in us (the remaining five percent) was carefully closed off so that we would have no conscious access to it. This was obviously done for the purpose of preventing us from discovering the real truth about ourselves, our life and life in general; but more particularly, about the true nature of the Most High, including the true nature of the negative state.
However, by the will of the Most High, this situation with this new revelation about these matters is changing. Therefore, you are hereby given the opportunity and tools to get in touch with that five percent within you which is truly human in you and gradually eliminate from your life everything which is not truly you. This book serves this important purpose.”
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